Saturday, July 6, 2013

SAME BEFORE, SAME AFTER.. ( Friendship Never Ends )

" True friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget"

Today, I am so blessed to have group of friends from my previous work. They were part of my life that changed and adjusted my personality even boosting up to the highest level of my confidence.

I was then invited to attend my ex-workmate's birthday celebration and specially true and very reliable friend of mine held in my previous work place. At first, it was a bit confusing, I was thinking what would they say to me after a long time of not seeing them. How will I look to them after several months. But then I realize, " It's a birthday party, not a comedy bar ". I decided to come over with my ex-officemate which I've been so much glad to have her inner strength and positivity in life. The day has come, and I'm so nervous to meet them again. Unfortunately, I was late ( maybe 5 to 10 min. only ) hahaha Filipino Time talaga.. I thought I'll be shocked, but they were. Yeah, I know..I lose a lot of pounds since I left them. It was not so surprising to me what they reacted ( wow hah! ). " Ang payat mo, Ang laki ng pinayat mo " So proud, they notice it. Hahaha..Anyway, I felt the happiness I've been before when I was working with them. The "Kalokohans", it's still there and lalo pang lumala. I finally met their neophytes, they were so young and I guess they really needed "Parental Guidance" (they don't know what it takes to be part of the group hahaha sarcastic me!)

 I know I made them sad when I leaved. But I need to grow, I'ts hard for me also, but i'ts my life. So glad they fully understand me and my situation. It takes so much time when I had the decision. So much to endure the pain leaving them behind. Reminiscing? Yeah..That was one of my greatest and strongest decision I made.

I will never forget them, specially my Ex-boss! Because I promised him to be part of my future wedding. Hahaha. That was so serious promise! I will thanked them forever not for building me what I am now, but knowing that I was existing in this crazy world. That I can be who I am and never let destructors enter my beautiful life. That I am worthy enough for this life. That I must be loved because I have a loving heart. And, because I have them who's willing to fight with me whether good or bad it be.

Hayyy, I know I can never take back all those memories we've been. But I am so so so much happier being written on their history even my history.

So long my true friends! See you again!



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